There is no doubt that life is complicated and often messy in the home, at work, and in the community.
When there seems to be a never-ending cycle of uncertainty in important areas of our lives, we could benefit from universal and timeless truth to help us keep moving forward in a world that can sometimes leave us dazed and confused.
A simple reminder of truth today is that we become what we think about…we become what we “see” in our mind’s eye. Whether we subscribe to the teachings of some famous personal development guru, some “enlightened” individual, or we believe in the Book of Proverbs that says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” our take-away is the same. Regardless of our reference point, the truth remains, we become what we “see” in our mind’s eye.
We don’t need a PhD in psychology from a prestigious university, to be a member of the 1% or the 99% in terms of financial wealth, or to sit in a corner office to understand the simple, timeless, and universal truth that we become what we see in our mind’s eye. We could reference numerous academic studies, cite quotes from individuals who have had real impact in our world, or think back along our own experience, and the conclusion would be the same…what I dwell on in my mind, so much so that it becomes crystal clear, I become.
As we continue on our journey to build and strengthen our character, an important question we need to ask ourselves is, “What do I ‘see’ today?” In our own mind’s eye, not in the view of a spouse, a parent, a boss, a teacher, a TV broadcaster, a mentor, but what do we “see” in our own view?
Do we see adversity that we cannot overcome? Do we see relationships that are best to be broken instead of repaired and strengthened?
Do we see an opportunity to rise above? Do we see challenge and a view of overcoming? Do we see the reality of close relationships struggling in the near term, but in the long view, see love, forgiveness, and togetherness?
Do we see a business with present-day challenges, but opportunity on the horizon? Do we see communities divided, but a pathway to cooperation and support?
Or…Do we just see dark clouds all around us?
Each one of us has the freedom to choose what we see in our own mind’s eye. However, the truth is that even with the freedom to choose, there are moments of some really dark days where we all could use an encouraging nudge to help us move off the negative and focus on the positive. I hope this note can be the push you need (or the loving shove if necessary) to choose the positive viewpoint over the negative.
What do you “see” today?
In our present time of challenge, it would be helpful to remember the simple truth that we become what we see in our mind’s eye and ensure our lens is adjusted to see our present challenges as an opportunity to overcome and reach our full potential as individuals, families, and communities.
As we remind ourselves to refocus our mind’s eye with principles, like patience, perseverance, and hope, we build and strengthen our character, and Character Creates Opportunity for us to create the future we desire and rise to reach our full potential.