We are all working hard to be more effective in the roles we play in the home, at work, and in the community. There is an ever-present need to improve our game in order to be our best for those we care about most in a world that is no longer simple and predictable.
As we continue on our journey to build and strengthen our character, it is critical that we understand the basic steps to being more effective in the roles we play and maintain some degree of momentum in order to make progress towards reaching our goals.
In part I of the Steps to Effectiveness, we will address the need to be a life-long learner.
For many of us, we have continued to learn to use more advanced technology in all areas of our lives. Even the simple task of finding something to watch on TV has resulted in us learning to use a massive remote control with enough buttons to launch a rocket. We continue to learn through software upgrades on how to use our smart phones, drive our cars, and manage our finances.
Although we may complain and struggle a bit, we have all managed to be life-long learners in the technologies we use in our lives in order to be more effective.
An important question to ask ourselves is, what is holding us back in applying as much energy and steady commitment to be a life-long learner in the important roles we play in the home, at work, and in our community?
Given the growing complexity of the world around us, we need to be life-long learners in order to more effective in the important roles we play. The comment that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” should have no place in our minds as we strive to be our best for those we care about most.
Here some thoughts to keep building the momentum to be a life-long learner in order to be more effective in the important areas of our lives:
- We are all clearly capable of continuing to learn, even after we graduate from school. The simple use of technology in our lives demonstrates we can learn new things if we choose to do so. Making the choice to be a life-long learner in the important areas of life is simply the right thing to do.
- We will fail and fall short of some goals in life. As a life-long learner, we should view failures or falling short of goals as an opportunity to learn as oppose to a reinforcement that we are not good enough or not capable enough to make a positive difference. Learning helps us grow to be more effective next time.
- We all have influence on those around us, whether we acknowledge it or not. As we commit to be a life-long learner and become more effective in the roles we play, we set a great example for those we care about most.
As we apply effort and a steady commitment to becoming a life-long learner, we will build and strengthen our character and Character Creates Opportunity to be more effective in the important roles we play at home, work, and in the community.