A Good Place to Start – Character Creates Opportunity®: Thursday, June 30, 2022

There seems to be no shortage of major events these days that take up a great deal of space across newsfeeds around the world. These same events spill into our discussions at home, work and in the community as we all try and sort things out in our own minds and determine what, if any, actions we should take instead of just sitting in our easy chair at home. 

We have all been a bit conditioned over time that whomever can talk the most and be the most articulate in selling their point of view usually carries the day and sways the majority opinion. We see this time and again in our community, workplace and homes.

As we think about our own willingness to learn and grow within the increasing complexity and intensity of life, there are a few simple principles we can adhere to as we work to make a positive impact on those around us.

  1. We typically learn nothing when we are talking. Our world seems to gravitate towards the talkers who garner most of the attention. However, as we work towards trying to better understand others as things grow more complicated and intense all around us, the reality is, we learn very little when we talk.
  2. Asking questions is a good place to start. Most of us move quickly to our side of the debate or corner of the ring. Instead of working our way into the conversation with our strong opinion or brilliant argument, if we can start by asking some thoughtful questions, we will open a door to better understand the points of view of others. We stand a better chance of keeping the discussion going when we ask some questions instead of talking over others.

For those where strong opinions in the past have created cold, sound-proof walls among close friends and family, I am sure we all would welcome the chance to hear again the voices of those who have withdrawn in silence because of the shouting matches of the past…ask questions to bring some voices back around to the table and keep the discussion going.

We all have our set of experiences and personal learnings that we would love to share. However, opening a door first with a few thoughtful questions is most often a good place to start as we remain committed to making a positive impact in our home, work, and community. In addition, as we adhere to a few of these principles, we will continue to build and strengthen our character and we will set a helpful example for others that Character Creates Opportunity to reach our full potential and make a positive impact on those around us.

How can I help you today? My mobile is 269-370-9275 and my email is david@harvesttimepartners.com  

Please download some FREE resources at www.harvesttimepartners.com  I hope you will find them helpful in your journey.